Sunday, November 19, 2006


A glimmer of hope. A definate step in the right direction. Hell, after these past six years, I welcome even a spark, a nuance, even a microscopic morsel of hope. The elections are over, and maybe, maybe things will turn around.

The man to the right gives me hope. He's Rep. Reid. He is the new House Majority Leader. He's a real SOB. Harry don't play. While Senate majority leader Pelosi digs a line in the sand almost big enough to bury her, Harry is out saying things like this...

"It's not a time to get even with the Republicans; it is a time to treat them the way they didn't treat us," and then he announces (with Pelosi), that they will open the House - Senate conference committees to the media. Lets make the pork public. Let's do things out in the open.

He says "We may actually have to work Saturdays (an obvious dig on the GOP Tuesday - Thursday work schedule). And he follows with "This is going to be a free-for-all, we are going to come out of the chambers covered in mud and with plenty of bruises."

We to the left, deserve this moment in the sunshine. We have stood by in horror at what this country has been doing the last few years. Our deficit is gone, gone deep into the red. We are at war, with no end in sight, and all of our options look pretty bad right now, either for us, or the Iraqi people.

Jack Abramhoff pretty well owned all of Washington. He called the practice of ear marking bills "The Favor Mill" , (I put that in all caps because he's writing his book in prison right about now). Corruption in general is at an all time high. Crooks, liars, thieves and yes, attempted molesters.

So, if I seem a little too happy and a little too smug, you'll have to forgive me. We needed a little hope, and a little check and balances won't hurt either. Now get out of the way, and let us get to work. This isn't the first time we had to come in and save a Bush administration from itself.

(Just a glimmer of hope...can you imagine...

32% of the country still approve of the administration?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post