Rep. Foley was found to be actively sending sexually explicit messages to teenage house pages, as well as twice trying to gain entry to the page residence after curfew, once while alledgedly intoxicated. The committee did find that "there was some evidence that political considerations played a role" in why numerous complaints and notifications went unheeded. The committee could not however, "determine conlusively why officals did nothing" to protect the teenagers, who were serving internships in service of the Representatives. This comes after they were aware of a pattern of behavior that spanned as much as ten years.
Although "no rules were broken" and the committee took basically no actions, the committee did find that the House members were found to be "willingly ignorant" of Rep. Foley's preditory behavior. Ignorant, yes. Willingly, absolutely. This was the biggest joke on Capital hill. Rep. Foley served as the chairman for the committee on missing and exploited children, for God sakes. How much more of an irony do they need?
This is but one of five separate GOP resignations following scandals which have been rocking Washington since 2005. Their wanton disregard for the safety of teenage children, and complete lack of morals are proof positive that this personna of the GOP being the party of the religious right is a complete sham, established to garner the votes of the various religious organizations, who followed the lies like ignorant sheep.
For the committee to come to this conclusion is the ultimate Rumsfeldian act of hubris ever. What is worse? A child molesting preditor actively seeking relations with underaged boys, or the representatives on the Hill (of both parties) who willingly enabled this behavior with their silence? Whether it was to save the political seat, or stop his homosexuality from becoming public, the Representatives failed in their duties to protect these teenagers from an admitted sexual predator. This from a body of public servants who are paid to protect an entire nation?
No rules were broken? Lets start with pedophilia being against the law, attempted or successful. Lets continue with a rule against anyone engaging in a cover up of repeated attempts to break the law. Lets end with an ethics committee not afraid of the political fallout involved in coming to a sane and just decision. Lets end with the "outing" of all those with prior knowledge, and their complete and total disregard for the safety of minors, who were entrusted in their care. Lets end with someone, anyone on the Hill that is man enough to stand up for what is right, for what they know is ethical and moral. This is a bellweather decision, not only on Rep. Foley, but our entire collection of scared sheep legislators that are too scared to fight for anything, even the basest of moral dilemmas.
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