Pictured above is the weapon of choice in Iraq. The 9M32 STRELA-2 is a first-generation man-portable, shoulder-fired short-range anti-aircraft missile system, intended for destruction of both subsonic and supersonic air targets (fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, UAV) in ground and low altitudes. It is a one man weapon, which has a heat seeking guidance system. It is operated by one person, and is relatively lightweight at 4 1/2 kilograms. It has a range of up to 5000 meters, and can project a missle at speeds upwards of 580 m/s.
Today, the AP is reporting donations from wealthy Saudi Arabians (a Sunni bastion), have been ongoing to fund the outmanned, and out represented Sunni factions in Iraq, much of which has been going to the purchase weapons such as these.
Here is a quote from AP...
"In one recent case, an Iraqi official said $25 million in Saudi money went to a top Iraqi Sunni cleric and was used to buy weapons, including Strela, a Russian shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile. The missiles were purchased from someone in Romania, apparently through the black market, he said. "
"Overall, the Iraqi officials said, money has been pouring into Iraq from oil-rich Saudi Arabia, a Sunni bastion, since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq toppled the Sunni-controlled regime of Saddam Hussein in 2003. "
So, where do we go from here?
Is a "civil war" between Saudi Arabia and Iran (Shia based) going to destroy Iraq?
As the nation who eventually went with the "devil it knew" (Hussein) , and turned its backs on the Sunnis, while they were gassed and pummeled by our US made Blackhawk helicopters , going to suddenly back Saudia Arabia, which means the same Sunni nation it allowed to be destroyed? Can we back the Shia, which in essense would be partnering up with Iran?
We have created, or at least forced the hands of two incredibly powerful nations to respond. How long will they sit dormant (at least in public)?
The irony is, U.S. energy gluttony has made these two nations incredibly rich.
Will the chickens come home to roost, or will two rich and powerful Middle Eastern nations such as these allow themselves to get dragged into the Iraqi situation?
It seems to be a chessgame for now.
But, rest assured, Saudi Arabia will not let Iran (the Shia nation) take control of Iraq, period.
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