The certain winner in all of this will be the Shias. They have the power, the majority, the militias to defend themselves, and they have a leader, Muqtada Al-Sadr, the son of a cleric, Muhammad Al-Sadr, who was killed in 1999. He is why they call one of their largest cities Sadr City. Al-Sadr is anti-American through and through. Has been from the very start.
He wants two things, which he will eventually get. He wants the U.S. out, as soon as possible. And he wants to take over Baghdad immediately, even if it means committing genocide on all Shia in the city. The majority of the country will come around to his leadership, with the Shias moving north.
The only thing in the U.S. favor is the surrounding countries sere this eventual conclusion, and are going to have to step in. Will they arm the Sunni's? Will they make a martyr out of Al-Sadr?
One thing is for sure, no neighboring country can afford to sit back and watch anymore. They see that Bush has ruined Iraq, and set the Middle East on a collision course with disaster. No one, Iran, Jordan, Yemin, Eqypt, or Saudi Arabia likes the way these cards are playing themselves out. And every American death, past and especially in the future, is testimony to the complete ignorance of the Bush administration.
While Bush and Cheney bury their heads in the sand, Colin Powell seems to have a firm grasp on the situation, like it or not. In my mind, he is the one person to put in charge of the situation. He has the respect of other leaders, and at least is not afraid of the truth. His focus is on coming to an Iraqi solution, not an American solution.
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