Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Takes a look at the quotes coming out of the neo-cons now.........They seem to be uniting in their hatred of Speaker Pelosi, after we held our tongue (and noses) over Dennis Hastert.

Echoing recent attacks by conservatives on House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Republican pollster Frank Luntz stated, "I always use the line for Nancy Pelosi, 'You get one shot at a facelift. If it doesn't work the first time, let it go.' "

Hannity & Colmes co-host Sean Hannity sought to encourage Republican voters and candidates to ensure a Republican victory in the November elections by proclaiming that "there are things in life worth fighting and dying for, and one of 'em is making sure" that Pelosi "doesn't become the speaker."

On KSFO's Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Program, Morgan said, "We've got a bull's-eye painted on her big, wide laughing eyes," referring to House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
"It's time to put the bull's-eye" on Pelosi. Morgan also asserted that there are "700 days to start pushing conservative values and to start hitting back at the Democrats and slap the crap out of 'em," and referred to Pelosi as "Nancy McNasty." Morgan also said, "I am putting together my down-and-dirty book on Ms. Pelosi, getting a book proposal, and boy, do I have some good dirt on her."

[Former House Majority Leader] Tom DeLay [R-TX] says that Nancy Pelosi is "the number one target".

Since the Democratic Party won control of both the House and the Senate, the media have focused on such issues as Pelosi's choice of attire and whether being female will affect her ability to lead. MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer wondered if Pelosi's "personal feelings [were] getting in the way of effective leadership" -- a problem she suggested would not surface in "men-run leadership posts" -- and whether men were "more capable of taking personality clashes."

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