Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Just in case you missed it, the Aaron Sorkin (West Wing) drama, "Studio 60, Live on The Sunset Strip" was officially replaced by something called "The Black Donnoly's" (or something like that).
"Studio" aired its last first run episode last night, and may not appear again, and that is a real shame. Smart dialogue, intriguing characters and real human drama topics made this show one of the best on TV that almost no one watched.
Actually, it is the most TIVO'd show of the new season, suggesting a time slot change was in order. Unfortunately not to NBC, which preferred to keep its stellar 10pm lineup of Law and Order(s): ad nauseous and Night line:titillation intact.
What can you expect from the broadcasting network who saturates the airwaves with mind-numbing game shows and insipid "news" shows, who document the criminal and sleazy dregs of society. There used to be journalism. There used to be studio execs who actually cared more about their craft, and elevating society through their programming, instead of going after the easy buck.
Yes, this show had flaws, mostly with its casting. Sorkin's casting was a blatant homage to all those who appeared on The West Wing. Way too much, especially with Mr. Whitford, who phoned in his role, to be sure. But, he did cast Matthew Perry, who is spot on, and consistently stretching his talents in the drama field.
This show will appear again, probably as part of a Studio 60 Marathon on Bravo. When it does, please watch it. By the third hour, you will be hooked. If not, turn over to the Game Show Network, there is a housewife from Toluca Lake going for a gazillion dollars on Wheel of Stupid.
TV owes its audience programming worthy of its public. Yes, reality TV sells, but shouldn't we demand some real honest to goodness acting once in a while? How about a little talent sprinkled in between the game shows and lowbrow pablum? Society (especially its youth) does have a tendency to emulate what is on its airwaves. Is this really the legacy you want to build for yourselves? Take some pride and allow a quality show to build an audience. Keep Studio 60 on the air.

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